How does a Season progress?

Each Season, Rankings and Rewards are determined based on the number of Flags held. You can participate in the Season Rankings according to the League you belong to.

  • [Champion] League - Eligible to participate

  • [Elite] League - Eligible to participate

  • [Normal] League - Not eligible to participate

Promotion Matches: To enter certain higher Leagues, Promotion Matches are held. You need to win 3 out of 5 Promotion Matches within a set period to advance to the higher League. Once you pass the Promotion Matches, you won't have to repeat them in the same League.

Start of a New Season: When a new Season begins, you start with the minimum Flag count of the League you belonged to in the previous Season. If you didn't participate in any 1vs1 (Main game) Matches during the previous Season, you will be demoted to the [Normal] League.

Last updated