NFT Equipment

NFT Equipment items on the Card are one of the key elements of Somnis: Rumble Rush.

NFT Equipment is provided as a form of NFT and has unique properties and abilities, allowing users to maximize the Unit’s performance.


  • Uniqueness: NFT Equipment items are unique NFTs; there are no identical items.

  • Ownership: Players can freely trade or own NFT items they own.

  • Value: The value of Equipment items may fluctuate depending on in-game activities and performance.

How to get NFT Equipment?

  • Marketplace - NFT Cards can be purchased at the NFT marketplace on Immutable zkEVM network.

  • In-game acquisition - You can create Equipment using material items at the Equipment crafting Building in the Village. - Crafting is possible only after the Village’s crafting Building has been raised to a certain level.

Where to use NFT Equipment?

  • Equipping - Equip NFT Equipment items on NFT Cards to improve abilities. - Each NFT Card can be equipped with an NFT Equipment item in its dedicated Equipment slot.

  • Upgrade - NFT Equipment has attributed abilities that can be improved through level-ups. - Leveling up requires certain amount of Gold and Materials.

  • Trade - NFT Equipment can be traded with other players at NFT marketplaces. - Price is determined by the rarity and the abilities of the Card.

NFT Equipment List

Rare Equipment

Hero Equipment

Probability to win NFT Equipment

  • Mystery Box - Equipment


Last updated